This workshop explores the emerging field of Digital Twins and its applicability to modeling and monitoring radio spectrum. With invited expertise from the fields of manufacturing and logistics, we explore the concept of digital spectrum twinning – maintaining updated, cloud-based databases of radio spectrum usage to enable spectrum sharing, location-based services, network optimization, spectrum valuation, new technology development, and other applications.
Organizers: Prof. Chris Anderson, United States Naval Academy
Prof. Gregory D. Durgin, Georgia Tech
Submissions to IEEE RFID Conference are open through EDAS. Please, click on the button below to submit your paper. The IEEE RFID 2022 accepts paper submissions formatted in the IEEE conference style.
Manuscripts should be 2-6 pages, submitted by the advertised conference deadline (February 7, 2022, February 14, 2022, February 21, 2022).
Topics Include
- Adapting Digital Twins to Spectrum
- Adaptive/Site-Specific Propagation Modeling
- Crowd-Sourced RF Propagation Measurements
- Novel Spectrum Sensing Networks
- Fog Computing
- Techniques for Spectrum Cloud Storage for Digital Twins
- Number Resolution for RFID
- CBRS-related Spectrum Management
- 5/6G and Beyond
- Propagation Modeling
- Space-based RF Observations
- Radiometry Hardware
- Low-powered Sensing Technology/IoT
- Digital Twin Tech. Relevant to Spectrum
- Network Densification Studies
- Geographical Information Systems
- Cooperative Radio Communications
- Encryption and Security
- Decentralized Databases/Blockchain
- Passive Radio Spectrum Usage
- National Radio Dynamic Zones (NRDZ)
- Emerging Location-Based Services
- New Spectrum Sharing Methods
- Frequency Agile Radio Systems
- Computation on the Network Edge
- Privacy/Data Protection
- Quantum Computing Applications
- Radio Astronomy Usage
- Spectrum Policy – Related Applications
The Workshop on Digital Spectrum Twinning accepts several submission types: Abstracts, Tutorials, and Demos: lightly-reviewed summaries of proposed oral presentations. Submit abstracts via e-mail to Prof. Gregory D. Durgin (durgin@gatech.edu) by 21 February 2022. Full Papers: peer-reviewed manuscripts intended for publication on IEEExplore. Manuscripts should be 2-6 pages (2 col, IEEE format), submitted by the advertised conference paper deadline. See IEEE RFID 2022 call-for-papers for submission instructions.